Buying YouTube subscribers: how to go about it


Starting and growing your YouTube channel to match the different competitors on the platform takes a lot of time to achieve. To be able to get through the different obstacles and attain YouTube growth, you need to buy real YouTube subscribers from sites such as

Aside from that, you can buy your views and followership through other means. This article discusses some of these buying techniques. Stick with us and keep reading.

Ways you can real YouTube subscribers

Buying YouTube subscribers allows you to become a go-to person and also helps you to Target the right audience on YouTube. Here are some other ways that you can buy real subscribers for your YouTube channel;

1. Straight buying

When using the straight buying method, do appropriate research on the service. This is, however, the quickest way to buy youtube subscribers. All you need to do most times is to visit their website, choose a preferred plan, and pay.

This method, however, is a risky way of buying subscribers so you must do your best to do your due diligence. Conduct q research and seek reviews about the website that you are hoping to use. If you end up making a mistake about your choice, you may unintentionally attract a ban or restrictions from YouTube on your account; this is what you do not want.

2. Using Google ads

This is one of the most effective ways to get your YouTube subscribers. It’s also a legitimate means of purchasing subscribers and views because they are coming directly from Google.

To do this, you will need to sign up for a Google AdWords account and run several ads for your YouTube videos. You can use the pay-per-click means of advertising which helps you to Target your ideal audience. There are two other techniques of running YouTube ads, they include:

  • In-stream ads: his appears when or after a YouTube video plays
  • In-display ads:this often appears in the search results on YouTube. Other times, it can appear in the “related videos” section.

3. Using influencer marketing

Influencer marketing has been a method used by a lot of people since it also guarantees you hitting a massive number of flowers in no time. You can find influencers on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and also YouTube. They can create customized content for your brand.

All you need to do most times is to pay them or give them some money to conduct a giveaway on their page. Then, they will ask their audience to hit your “subscribe” button. Since they already have a huge amount of followers/subscribers, you will be sure of acquiring your desired target audience.


If you have a brand that you’re looking to groom on YouTube, buying subscribers can be a quicker means of achieving it. This is because a large number of subscribers often equals a large number of views. Now that you’ve seen some of the ways that you can go about buying your followers, it’s up to you to make your decision.

Good luck!

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